Fill out the required application form → Submit samples with the application form → Results are returned within 1-2 weeks → Invoice issued by BTC → Pay the invoice
- Before submitting your samples, please carefully check the quality and quantity of each sample (see Instruction)
- Fill out the required form with information such as the sample concentration, source and other information for the sample. An image of the electrophoresis gel will be very helpful to determine sample quality.
- Submit the sample and the application form
- Send the samples to R908, 9F, Life Science Building in person or by registered mail.
- Address:145 Xingda Rd., South Dist., Taichung City 402202, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- Contact person:Mr. Kuo/ Miss Cheng/ Miss Wang of Prof. Lai, Chien-Chen’s Lab
Tel:(04) 2284-0485 #236 - Payment procedure
Available equipment
- LC-MS/MS (Triple TOF 6600;QSTAR Elite;LTQ XL)
- Gas Chromatography (GC) MS (6890 GC/5973N MSD, Aglient)
Service Time
- Office hours:Monday to Friday, 09:00-11:30 and 14:00-16:30 (except national holidays)
- Processing time:1 to 2 weeks after the samples are received
- Peptide/protein mass analysis
- Protein identification
- Small molecule identification/quantification
- Total Protein identification
- Volatile compound analysis
Service Item | Instrument | On Campus Price per sample |
Off Campus Price per sample (price before tax) |
Peptide/protein mass analysis (Ziptip® desalting included) | MALDI-TOF | $800 | $1,500 |
Protein identification (Ziptip® desalting included) | MALDI-TOF | $1,000 | $2,000 |
Protein identification (Ziptip® desalting included) | LC/MS/MS | $2,000 | $3,000 |
Small molecule identification/quantification | LC/MS/MS | $2,000 | $3,000 |
Total Protein identification | LC/MS/MS | $9,000 | $12,000 |
Volatile Compound analysis | GC-MS | $2,000 | $3,000 |
※ Preferential Price for Large Sample Numbers:
More than 10 samples → 5% off ; Total > 20 samples → 10% off
Total > 30 samples → 15% off ; Total > 50 samples → 20% off
More than 10 samples → 5% off ; Total > 20 samples → 10% off
Total > 30 samples → 15% off ; Total > 50 samples → 20% off
Contact Us
Adviser: Prof. Lai, Chien-Chen
- Tel:(04) 2284-0485 #235
Contact Person:Mr. Kuo/ Miss Cheng/ Miss Wang
- Phone:(04) 2284-0485 #236