Contacts:Mr. Kuo/Miss Cheng/Miss Wang/Miss Chang

TEL:+886-4-22840485 ext. 235、236



  1. Samples can be submitted as solid powder, liquid or gel.
  2. We DO NOT ACCEPT samples containing radioactive or toxic substances.
  3. Please minimize the amount of salts in the samples and remove any phosphate or detergent.

    Typical contaminants in protein/peptide samples

    No interference TFA,formic acid,b-mercaptoethanol,DTT,volatile organic solvents,HCl,NH4OH,acetic acid
    Tolerable (<50mM) HEPES,MOPS,Tris,NH4OAc,octyl glucoside
    Avoid glycerol,PEG,sodium azide,DMSO,SDS,phosphate,NaCl,2M urea,2M guanidine
  4. Avoid keratin protein contamination by always wearing protective gloves when handling protein samples.
  5. For the determination of the molecular weight of peptides and proteins, samples must have the following concentrations of proteins:
    • Solid powder:at least 30 pmol.
    • Liquid:at least 10 pmol, volume 30 μl. Proteins must be dissolved in deionized water or 0.1% formic acid.
  6. For peptide mass fingerprinting & MS/MS sequencing, samples must have the following concentrations of proteins:
    • Solid powder:at least 50 pmol.
    • Liquid:at least 10 pmol, volume 50 μl. Proteins must be dissolved in deionized water or 0.1% formic acid.
    • Gel:protein 1 μg put in 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube. Samples shall be dissolved in deionized water.
    • Protein identification:total protein 100 μg (elute in 30μl 50 mM Tris buffer /1% SDS , pH>8.0)
  7. Liquid samples should not contain salts. Please provide the image of a SDS-PAGE or HPLC fingerprint to determine the purity of samples.
  8. Gel samples needs to provide the method used for gel staining and the estimated protein concentrations. Failure to do so may produce no results. The applicant has to pay in full for all services if protein concentrations are not provided.
  9. Please prepare samples following the instructions listed on our website. Failure to do so may lead to poor or no results. The user has to pay the full amount regardless of the results if samples are not prepared according to the instructions.
  10. Always keep protein samples in cold conditions. We DO NOT take responsibility for sample damage during the transport.
  11. In general, protein samples should be stored at -20 ℃. Please state clearly in the application form if the sample is needs special handling.