20210121 越南經濟文化辦事處來訪國立中興大學
越南經濟文化辦事處大使Mr. Nguyen Anh Dung、科技組組長Mr. Vo Hong Manh及大使助理Mr. Nguyen Manh Thao訪問中興大學;台越海外科研中心(NCHU-VAAS ASTIC)主持人葉錫東院士於此次會議中發表演講,說明ASTIC任務及重要成果。演講後中興薛富盛校長帶領雙方會談,討論未來更多合作機會及待解決問題及辦法 。
On Jan 21st 2021, Vietnam Economic and Cultural Office (VECO) by Director and Mr. Nguyen Anh Dung and the head of science and technology division Mr. Vo Hong Manh visited National Chung Hsing University (NCHU). As NCHU-VAAS ASTIC plays the cooperative bridge between Taiwan and Vietnam, the ASTIC PI Dr. Shyi-Dong Yeh presented the missons and important achievements made by our center. After the presentation, VECO and NCHU had a formal meeting with NCHU President Fuh-Sheng Shieu to discuss more activities for bilateral cooperation for solving agricultural problems in vietnam.