2021/12/10~11,中興大學協同「國際生物催化暨農業生物技術學會」及「牛樟芝產業協會」,於惠蓀林場國際會議廳舉辦「農業生技聯合研討會」;台越海外農業科技中心(NCHU-VAAS ASTIC)主持人葉錫東院士為此次會議主辦人,特別精心邀請國內頂尖學者專家發表各領域精闢成果。此外,本次會議特別安排英文論文競賽,以國際會議的規格訓練年輕學術精英。ASTIC越南研究生: 杜維興、陳氏秋燕、陳氏玉碧以英語論述、及/或海報方式發表研究成果,皆有獲得評審老師們的肯定並獲得獎狀、獎金等鼓勵。
During Dec 10~11 2021, “Joint Conference for Agriculture Biotechnology” was held at the International Conference Hall of NCHU Huisun Experimental Forest Station. NCHU-VAAS ASTIC Director, Prof Shyi-Dong Yeh is the convenor of this conference. Top scientists and experts of agriculture and biotechnology were invited to share their updated progresses in this meeting. Besides, the competitions of oral or poster presentations in English were arranged for training of young talents as in the standard of the international conference. ASTIC graduate students including Do Duy Hung, Tran Thi Thu Yen and Tran Thi Ngoc Bich gave oral and/or poster presentations, and all earned award certificates or prize bonus.