2021/11/9-10於興大舉辦「第16屆國際生物催化暨農業生物技術研討會」,分別進行生物催化、農業生物科技、後疫情健康照護、牛樟芝新知、功能性食品與營養保健品等專題研討會,以及碩、博士生英文口頭報告25位及海報競賽74篇。此次會議聚集了多達11國(包括: 奧地利、加拿大、德國、日本 、韓國 、馬來西亞 、 沙烏地阿拉伯、斯洛伐克 、英國、美國及台灣)重量級國際學者與頂尖產官學界專家專題演講,共300多位專家學者與學生現場參與,討論踴躍且引發廣大迴響。
The "16th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology" was held during 2021/11/9-10 at National Chung-Hsing University with the major themes on biocatalysis, agricultural biotechnology, post-epidemic health care, new knowledge of Antrodia antrodia, functional food and nutritional health products. The conference invited many heavyweight international scholars and top industry-government-academia experts from 11 countries to deliver special speeches. A total of more than 300 experts, scholars and students participated on the conference including 25 English oral presentations by master and doctoral students and 74 poster competitions. The conference is a great success with wide response.