臺越農業科技海外科研中心研發成果: 成功研發百香果病毒EAPV交互保護輕症疫苗,於美國植病學會頂級期刊發表
東亞西番蓮病毒 (EAPV) 嚴重影響台灣和越南的百香果生產。針對此病毒研發交互保護輕症疫苗為一非轉基因技術可應用於防治百香果木質化病毒病害的方法,臺越農業科技海外科研中心計畫主持人葉錫東院士實驗室建構EAPV具感染力的cDNA轉錄體的構築,並且進一步敲除其病原性產生穩定的輕症疫苗,在溫室條件下証明為穩定輕症突變株且可保護百香果植株不會被EAPV嚴重型病毒株(EAPV-TWnss 或 EAPV-dpd)感染,其研究成果發表於以下國際植病學會頂級期刊。
Research Highlight of VAAS-NCHU ASTIC: Generation of attenuated mutants of East Asian Passiflora virus for disease management by cross protection
East Asian Passiflora virus (EAPV) seriously affects passionfruit production in Taiwan and Vietnam. Cross protection is a non-transgenic technology that can be applied to control the passionfruit woodiness disease caused by EAPV. Led by Academician Shyi-Dong Yeh, the project director of the VAAS-NCHU Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation (ASTIC), the mild mutants of EAPV with characteristics of beneficial protective viruses and excellent potential for controlling EAPV in Taiwan and Vietnam have been successfully developed and published in the following journal:
Chong, Y. H., Do, D. H., Cheng, H. W., Raja, J. A. J., Ngo, X. T., Hwang, S. G., Yeh, S. D.* (2023) Generation of attenuated mutants of East Asian Passiflora virus for disease management by cross protection. Mol Plant Microbe Interact. doi: 10.1094/MPMI-11-22-0238-R. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36794975.